IETE of Department of EXTC, LTCE have arranged Seminar on „How to write a Technical Paper’ February 3rd, 2020 for BE students. Seminar is conducted in C-310. In this seminar distinguished Speaker Dr. Gajanan K Birajdar, Professor in Electronics Engineering from RAIT has explained and guided the final year EXTC students on how to write a conference/journal paper. The seminar starts at 11 am and continued till 1pm.
Ms. Ankita Parande, IETE student member of BE Div A, welcome Dr. Gajanan Birajdar. Inaugural speech was delivered by HOD Dr. Ravindra Duche emphasizing why such seminar is essential and how it will help to develop the writing and presentation skills among the engineering students. Dr. Birajdar first discussed the general structure of a research paper. He then began discussing each section in detail. He started off with „Introduction‟ and told the students that this is the section where they have to convince the readers that the author clearly knows their work and that it is useful. Next he talked about the„Literature Survey‟ section of a technical paper – what it is, how it must be and its importance Next he told the students that it is important to mention keywords as they are used for indexing and abstracting services. He then went on to explaining what the„Abstract‟ of a paper must consist. After this he discussed the importance of a good and catchy title.
Later on informed how to mention the methodology of work in different effective ways. Then he focused on very important section of “Result and its analysis”. Here he made it a point to mention the importance of illustrations. While talking about the „Conclusion‟ section, he said that it must show how the work mentioned in the paper advances the field from the present state of knowledge. He next discussed the „Acknowledgements‟ section and said that the author must ensure that those who helped in the research are given due recognition here. After this he talked about the „References‟ section and said that the author must cite the main scientific publications on which their work is based on in this section.
He concluded his seminar by discussing with the students the importance of legitimacy and to beware of plagiarism. Dr. Birajdar next conducted an interactive session with the students talked to Project Group A9 about their final year project and how they could present a paper on it. The seminar ended with a concluding speech by Ms. Ankita Parande thanking Dr. Birajdar for conducting the seminar.
The IETE Cell of Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, in collaboration with Innovation Cell, organised a seminar on Pre-placement by Decode Tech, Thane on 22 nd August 2019 for the students of Final Year (BE) in A-214.
The seminar focused on importance of various programming languages and their demand in the growing market. They informed about various courses required for development of hard skills and soft skills that are required and evaluated during recruitments. They briefed about the scopes and procedures for students pursuing higher studies and how to improve intellectually in a specific field. The information they shared was valuable for students and will help them to face the real world scenarios waiting for them. It gave the students an insight about tackling the challenges put in front of them and successfully conquer it.
The seminar was concluded with an interactive session where the students, the teachers and the organisers shared their opinion and viewpoint about the existing market demand and challenges.
The IETE Cell of Department of Electronics and Telecommunication organized a Guest Lecture on Cyber Security and Laws on 23 rd August 2019, in accordance to make students aware of cyber-crimes. The seminar witnessed a demonstration of various aspects of cyber security and Laws by Prof. Sudhakar Jadhav , Faculty of Computer Engineering , LTCE. This Seminar was arranged for the students of Third and Second Year in Department Seminar Hall C-310. Around 120 students attended the seminar.
Various aspects were discussed such as how to hide or mask the IP address, MAC address of the machine, retaining the passwords, basic idea of phishing and many more branches of the security that can be provided.
Various Laws of Cyber Security and the terminologies associated with it were also discussed. In the session the concept of hackers and how to protect the data from them was covered.